
Taking care of your garden tools is essential for ensuring they stay in great condition, but let's be honest—after a full day of gardening, the last thing most of us want to do is clean and maintain our tools. I know for me, it’s all about relaxing with a cold drink and unwinding after a hard day's work!

Still, taking just a little time to care for your tools—especially the wooden handles—can significantly extend their lifespan. A little TLC goes a long way in preserving their quality. Here's a simple guide to help you keep your tools in top shape:


Start by gathering your tools, a bucket of warm water, and a wire or stiff-bristled brush. Use the brush to scrub off any loose dirt, and then dip your tools in the water for a more thorough clean. Once you've washed off the remaining dirt, rinse the tools and either let them air dry or wipe them down with a towel.


Once your tools are dry, it’s a great opportunity to smooth out any roughness on the wooden handles. Moisture from the soil, dew, or rain can cause the grain of the wood to rise, making it feel rough, and this happens more often in humid areas. Use sandpaper to smooth out the wood—start with an 80-grit paper and finish with 120-150 grit for a sleek, smooth surface.

This is also the perfect time to address any rust on your tools. A wire brush is useful for removing rust in tight spots, but for a more thorough clean, sandpaper will do the trick. If you have an electric sander, this task will be even quicker.


Check your tools and sharpen any blades that need it. You can use a variety of tools to sharpen, but most gardeners prefer using a flat file. Before you start, remember to take proper safety precautions—wear eye protection and heavy gloves to avoid injury from sharp metal shavings.

Securing your tool before sharpening is critical—use a vise or clamp it to a stable surface to ensure it doesn't move. When sharpening, maintain the original bevel of the edge to avoid creating a weak point that could be damaged by rocks or debris in the garden.


Finally, let’s talk oiling. Never use petroleum-based oils on your garden tools as they can transfer to your soil when you’re working. At Evigsdae, we recommend using Boiled Linseed Oil, a natural oil derived from flax seeds. It’s safe for both metal and wood parts of your tools. Simply apply a generous amount of oil to the tool, let it sit for 15 minutes, and wipe off any excess. If you live in a dry climate, you may want to oil your wooden handles more often to prevent them from cracking.

The purpose of oiling your tools is to create a protective barrier between the metal and elements like oxygen and moisture, which cause rust. Taking the time to maintain your tools will not only keep them in great working order but will ensure they serve you for many years to come.

Taking care of your garden tools is an investment that will pay off in the long run, helping them last longer and perform better!