Home / Long Handle Garden Tools / DeWit Long 3-Tine Cultivator
  • DeWit Long 3-Tine Cultivator
  • DeWit Long 3-Tine Cultivator
  • DeWit Long 3-Tine Cultivator
  • DeWit Long 3-Tine Cultivator
  • DeWit Long 3-Tine Cultivator

DeWit Long 3-Tine Cultivator

  • Detail

    The DeWit Long 3-Tine Cultivator effectively cultivates soil, promoting healthy plant growth by preventing compaction and increasing nutrient and water absorption. Its curved tines make it an efficient weeder as well...and, as a bonus, the long handle will keep you from crawling around on you knees.

    Handcrafted in the Netherlands since 1898 and Guaranteed a Lifetime.

    This long 3-tine cultivator is forged from the finest Swedish Boron steel (same steel used in bulldozer blades) and fitted with a long comfortable European Ash handle from FSC certified forests. 

    DeWit Long 3-Tine Cultivator size-

    • Length:  60 inches
    • Tines:  3 inches wide
    • Approx. Weight:  1 lb. 8 oz.

    DeWit has been producing hand forged Dutch garden tools in the village of Kornhorn, Netherlands since 1898. Every DeWit tool grew out of a need to solve a gardening problem and today 5th generation DeWits carry on that heritage.


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