Home / DeWit Combo Hoe w/ 2-Tine Cultivator and Wide Chopping Blade
  • DeWit Combo Hoe w/ 2-Tine Cultivator and Wide Chopping Blade
  • DeWit Combo Hoe w/ 2-Tine Cultivator and Wide Chopping Blade
  • DeWit Combo Hoe w/ 2-Tine Cultivator and Wide Chopping Blade
  • DeWit Combo Hoe w/ 2-Tine Cultivator and Wide Chopping Blade
  • DeWit Combo Hoe w/ 2-Tine Cultivator and Wide Chopping Blade

DeWit Combo Hoe w/ 2-Tine Cultivator and Wide Chopping Blade

  • Detail

    This DeWit Combo Hoe w/ 2-Tine Cultivator and Wide Chopping Blade is one tough gardening tool. The wide edge makes easy work of cleaning borders, removing old weed growth and breaking up soil while the strong and durable tines break up clay/soil and aerate before planting.

    Handcrafted in the Netherlands since 1898 and Guaranteed a Lifetime.

    This combo hoe is forged from the finest Swedish Boron steel (same steel used in bulldozer blades) and fitted with tubular steel handle and ergonomic soft grip.

    DeWit Combo Hoe w/ 2-Tine Cultivator and Wide Chopping Blade size-

    • Length:  14 inches
    • Blade:  7 1/2 x 4 inches
    • Approx. Weight:  1 lb. 3 oz.

    DeWit has been producing hand forged Dutch garden tools in the village of Kornhorn, Netherlands since 1898. Every DeWit tool grew out of a need to solve a gardening problem and today 5th generation DeWits carry on that heritage.


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